Corporate Information

Photo of Métis Capital Housing Corporation office

Métis Capital Housing Corporation (MCHC) provides affordable, quality homes to Alberta’s Métis and Aboriginal peoples. Wholly owned by Métis Nation of Alberta, MCHC serves residents based on the following principles:

  • We share the culture and values of the people we serve.
  • We understand how to meet their needs.
  • We treat every family and person fairly and with respect.
  • We work every day to improve the homes we offer.
  • We innovate to best deliver quality programs that provide sustainable, livable homes and improve our communities.


MCHC by the numbers

Along with our sister company, Métis Urban Housing Corporation, we are Canada’s largest provider of affordable housing for Métis and Aboriginals with:

  • 900-plus housing units in 14 urban centres
  • 70 employees
  • 12 offices (head office and 11 branch offices)
  • Over our 30-plus years of operations we have provided rental housing to 
    • to more than 6,400 Metis Urban tenants and 
    • over 1000 Metis Capital tenants

Housing for the future

In coming years, all the homes we currently manage under the federal government’s subsidized mortgage program will join the vast inventory of housing already owned by the MCHC. This will bring new challenges, but also new opportunities to better serve our community.

Innovative and responsible business management and practices will help MCHC provide more quality affordable homes to the people who need them.

Building quality and environmentally sustainable affordable housing is a better long-term investment than building to minimum standards while instilling a greater sense of pride among residents and owners.

Board of Directors

  • Region One– Fred Fraser
  • Region Two– Isabel Myshaniuk
  • RegionThree – Jeanette Hansen
  • Region Four– Doreen Poitras-Hays
  • Region Five– Geraldine Decoine
  • Region Six– Kenda Dodds
  • Metis Nation of Alberta Representative – Audrey Poitras


Partner links